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We all know that a minute is 60 seconds. A Minute is worth a minute of our time given in service. Minutes in your Time Wallet enable the freedom to exchange worldwide. You will be able to send Minutes to any Time Wallet for less than a penny. In each exchange, the agreed upon minutes take the value of the other item. Minute exchange gets easier with practice.
Digital cryptocurrency coins are stored in a wallet. The time wallet on your phone will store digital Minute tokens (actually a value in microseconds which displays in seconds, minutes, hours, etc...). Each exchange transfers Minutes from Time Wallet to Time Wallet.
Only you can send Minutes out of your Time Wallet. Protect access to your phone app & wallet. Consider having multiple wallets: phone, desktop, USB Ledger, paper or even memorized. Minute Exchange is Solana blockchain safe.
Service hours are pre-approved, when signed off they are awarded to the Time Wallet address entered on the form. Sorry you just have to wait for the pre-approval web form and the service hour guidelines.